Informed neighbors shaping our city’s future.



Gainesville Neighborhood Voices, Inc.


Board of Directors


President, Casey Fitzgerald; Vice President, Monica Frazier; Treasurer, Susan Mastin; Secretary, Richard Allen; Director, Peggy Carr; Director, Wayne Fields; Director, Kim Tanzer

Friends of Gainesville Neighborhood Voices include Ronald Fox and N’kwanda Jah


Gainesville Neighborhood Voices, Inc. is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientificpurposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations described under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax as may be amended from time to time, including the following:

 A.    To promote charitable, public education and understanding of community planning for the human, built and natural environment;

 B.    To protect and conserve the air, water and natural resources of the City of Gainesville and the surrounding area of Alachua County, Florida;

 C.    To work with citizens in the neighborhoods of Gainesville, Florida to develop a network through whichthey can promote and protect sense of place, community character, history and diversity;

 D.   To enable and provide organizational support to aid neighborhood communication and to receive and distribute educational information regarding neighborhoods;

 E.    To empower citizens of Gainesville neighborhoods to identify and implement ways to protect and enhance the quality of neighborhood life while preventing or mitigating the adverse impacts of gentrification that could, if not managed, displace residents and families;

F.    To create sustainable, self-determining communities and neighborhoods in Gainesville;

 G.   To promote cooperative economics and community organizing in Gainesville's communities and neighborhoods;

H.   To promote, protect and enhance the social fabric of Gainesville’s neighborhoods:

i.                by knowing and connecting with neighbors;

 ii.              by building trust among neighborhoods and communities;

iii.             by protecting our neighborhood pedestrian and public areas;

iv.             by protecting our existing affordable neighborhood housing;

 v.              by ensuring that newly built housing is affordable, available and suitable for families already residing in the existing neighborhood;

 vi.             by assisting with neighborhood maintenance;

 vii.           by providing input to City of Gainesville City Commission, City of Gainesville Government, City of Gainesville Plan Board, neighborhoods, and the community on trust, communication,outreach, planning, affordable housing, equity, zoning, land use, and natural systems;

viii.          by preventing the emigration or relocation of existing residents and families; and

 ix.             by preventing the adverse impacts of gentrification caused by inappropriate new development on the social fabric of our existing neighborhoods.

I.      To publicize and enforce existing laws regulating growth and development, and to facilitate these purposes and objectives, to engage professionals and technical advisors, to review development applications and City plans for land use and development that affect Gainesville’s neighborhood residents for compliance with existing laws, comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and compliance with the provisions of land development and zoning codes and Florida building codes;